Osler Family Medicine 2021 Online Review

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Osler Aiga Faʻafomaʻi 2021 Initaneti iloiloga



This comprehensive review is designed to help you pass your ABFM exams (both initial certification and recertification) as well as to update your clinical knowledge base. Emphasis is on evidence-based medicine (EBM) and board-relevant standards of care, incorporating new concepts, strategies, and treatments. This online review includes lectures that cover the entire field of Family Medicine including clinically relevant lectures on Statistics & the basics of EBM, Medical Ethics, and Professionalism as well as Patient Safety. The live course was run in a rapid-fire format to target a larger percentage of the board and practice-relevant information and included Q&A examples embedded into each lecture, and several Q& A review sessions all of which were recorded and brought to you. Many of our previous learners found the online course provided them with improved diagnostic and testing strategies, a better understanding of all major disease entities relevant to the general practice of Family Medicine, and helped them recognize specific areas of knowledge weakness for further self-study.


I le faaiuga o lenei vasega o le a mafai e tagata auai uma ona:

- Talanoaina le faʻafouina o gasegase pulega auala mo vaega ia: Totonu Faʻafomai, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, taotoga, Gynecology, Community Faʻafomai, Geriatrics, Adolescent Faʻafomai ma Sport Faʻafomaʻi

- Faʻamatalaina ma le mautinoa le suʻesuʻeina o fale suʻesuʻe, EKG's ma isi ata faʻatusa o le tino gaioiga mo faʻapitoa maʻi gasegase

- Faʻaalia le faʻateleina o le agavaʻa i le suʻesuʻega ma le faʻatautaia o faʻamaʻi tumau e pei o le maʻisuka ituaiga 2, toto maualuga ma hypercholesterolemia

- Faʻailoa le taimi e faʻasino ai tagata gasegase i se faʻapitoa e tuʻuina mai ai le sili ona lelei onosaʻi togafitiga

- Faʻatino polokalama atoatoa tui puipuia mo pepe, tamaiti, talavou ma tagata matutua

- Faʻailoa ma saunia togafitiga talafeagai mo faʻamaʻi pipisi mai feusuaiga

- Faʻaaoga lelei togafitiga o vailaʻau ma faʻatonuga fualaʻau faʻataʻitaʻi pulega

- Faʻaaoga le faʻalauteleina o le malamalama i falemaʻi e faʻafesoʻotaʻi lelei ai faʻamaoniga ma togafitiga filifiliga i tagata mamaʻi ma / poʻo tagata tausi

- Faʻaliliu molimau-faʻavae taʻiala faʻatonuga talanoaina i le faʻataʻitaʻiga o Aiga Faʻafomaʻi

Faiaoga & Mataupu

Reid Blackwelder, MD, FAAFP
Polofesa ma Nofoa
Aiga Faʻafomaʻi ETSU

Toto e le masani ai toto, totoga o le manava, le fanauina o ni pepe, siama Gyn, HPV / Pap Smear, siama masani, Anemia

Eric Coris, MD
Polofesa ma Faʻatonu o Taʻaloga Faʻafomaʻi Iunivesite o South Florida

Lima ma Tapulima, Suʻesuʻega o Manuʻa, Faʻafitauli i Lalo o Luga, Osteoporosis, Faʻataʻitaʻiga o Paʻu, Iloiloina o le Tauʻau tiga, vae ma tapuvae, Taʻaloga Taʻaloga, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Acute Coronary syndrome Acute Myocardial Infarction

Curtis Galke, DO
Polofesa Lagolago o Aiga Iunivesite Faʻafomaʻi Iunivesite o Texas, San Antonio

Electrocardiogram, Arrhythmias, White Cell Disorders, Coagulation, HIV AIDS, Acid-Base, Nephritis, Renal Failure Evaluation, and Treatment

Doris Greenburg, MD
Lagolago polofesa Polofesa o Pediatrics Mercer Iunivesite

Atinaʻeina Amio, Faʻafitauli Faʻafitauli, ma Faʻaletonu, Sauaina Faʻasaua

Larry E. Johnson MD, PhD
Le Iunivesite o Arkansas mo Fomaʻi Faʻasaienisi
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System

Delirium, Dementia, Geriatric Pharmacology, Geriatric Nutrite, Vitamini, ma Minerale, Sleeps Disorder, Geriatric Screening,

Robert Kauffman, MD
Polofesa ma Taitaifono o Ob-Gyn Texas Tech University

Faʻafitauli o le pelvic faaumiumi, Faʻafouina Faʻafitauli mo Faʻafomaʻi Aiga, Faʻamaʻi masani o le Fatafata, Fafine, Gynecology Talavou, Faʻataʻitaʻiga i Feusuaiga, Faʻamamaina o le Urinary, UTIs, Menopause, Diabetes, Thyroid Disorder, Lipid Disorder, Gonadal Disorder ma PCOS

Paras Khandhar, MD
Fesoasoani Polofesa o Pediatrics Oakland University

Pediatric Asthma, Pediatric Allergies, and Anaphylaxis, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), Law (Medical) Ethics and Professionalism, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

Eron Manusov, MD
Faʻavae Nofoa o le Iunivesite o Texas Rio Grande Valley Edinburg, Texas

Growth Disorder, Neurology, Neurology Review, Paʻu ma le Toto maualuga, Pediatric Orthopedics, Masani Mata Faʻafitauli,

Maria Munoz, MD
Faiaoga Lagolago faiaoga
Matagaluega o Aiga ma Falemai Faʻafomaʻi
Iunivesite o Texas Rio Grande Valley

Lesona Tautala masani, GERD ma Dyspepsia, Peptic Ulcer ma Gastroparesis, Crohn's ma Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis ma Diverticular Disease, IBS, Gastroenteritis, Maʻi ate, Pancreatitis, ma le manaʻoga oga, GI Cancers

Scott Rogers, MD
Lagolago Polokalama Faatonu
Grant Aiga Faʻafomaʻi Resitara
Ohio Health Columbus, Ohaio

Fibromyalgia, Faʻamaʻi Rheumatic, Faʻaletonu o le fatu, Faʻafomaʻi Faʻafomaʻi, Faʻamaʻi o le Paʻu, Tamaiti o Tamaiti, Tui puipuia

Arunabh Talwar, MD
Polofesa o Aiga Faʻafomaʻi Albert Einstein Kolisi o Faʻafomai

Maʻi Pulmonary Faʻailoga ma Faailoga I ma II, Bronchitis, Fomaʻi, COPD Faʻafouina, Fomaʻi

Alu i le 'upega tafaʻilagi